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Tuning Forks
Creativity Tones
We've been using Tuning Forks for a long time at Creativity Tones. We especially like John Beaulieu's Bionics tuning forks. We also like Jonathan Goldman's Healing Sounds tuning forks. They are both made in the USA of high quality aluminum. We have some Biosonics and Healing Sounds tuning forks for sale. For personal use, a few (one, two or three) tuning forks are only necessary. We like to use one 256 Hz (C) and one 384 Hz (G) unweighted tuning fork which are perfect fifths, and also a 128 Hz weighted fork. They are an amazing tuning fork combos to work with in the morning and evening and throughout the day for just a few minutes to get tuned up and relaxed. Sometimes just one tuning fork is enough to use and explore its benefits. We can show you how to use the tuning forks for relaxation and healing purposes. Mel enjoys trying out and combining various other tuning forks to see how they can all work together and help our healing sessions and health.
Alice has been using tuning forks with her Reflexology Sessions here in Campbell River at Creativity Tones. She often uses a combination of Ohm Tuning Forks and Biosonics Tuning Forks.
Alice's Refreshing Reflexology is at refreshingreflexology.ca
Contact us here to make an appointment to try and/or buy
Tuning Forks. Tuning Fork Sound Healing sessions are included in our Sound Healing Sessions. We like to individualize our Sound Healing Sessions with You.
Phone, text, or email Alice & Mel
​Our Hours are Monday - Saturday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.