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     Frosted Crystal Singing Bowls

Frosted Crystal Singing Bowls

We usually prefer using and selling Frosted Crystal Singing Bowls as they are very durable with amazing sound qualities.  Frosted singing bowls are a good choice as the price point is the best for the quality and sound you can achieve. They are great for everyone.  Perfect Pitch singing bowls allow you to play easily with other musical instruments and recordings.  


At the present time most of our crystal singing bowls are 440 Hz.  Some are 432 Hz.  We also sell Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowls (They are amazing!), Clear Crystal Singing Bowls, Crystal Vibes Gemstone Fusion Singing Bowls and Gemstone Infused Translucent Bowls.  Some translucent bowls and gemstone bowls go out of stock quickly.  We can help you find what you are looking for...

Discounts are available for purchase of multiple bowl sets.  There are several bowl sound combinations that work very well together.  We can help you build a small set of bowls from our inventory or a large set of 7 or 8  Chakra Bowls.  Mel is setting up some very special two bowl sets.  Lots of interesting choices to play and experience.


We have some crystal singing bowls on special sale.  Make an appointment with us and check out the "In House Specials" at Creativity Tones in Campbell River.

A Special Sale on one set of perfect pitch frosted Chakra Bowls.  Check them out before someone else adds them to their Sound Healing Atmosphere.

Contact us for our regular prices and more information and BEST OF ALL make an appointment to visit Alice and Mel and try the bowls for yourself here at Creativity Tones!



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