Sometimes technology can help.
Nowadays we can prepare ahead of time to find a sound or frequency that resonates with us.
I like to use various devices like apps on smart phones or an analog chromatic tuner (pitch pipe) to find tones or notes that the bowls are sounding. I check out the pitch or sound frequencies and Hertz of the bowls.
Find notes that are pleasing and feel the notes that you can comfortably hum or sing along with. It’s nice to interact with your bowl on many levels. The best way to find your bowl or let a bowl find you is to spend some time playing and feeling bowls up close...
Have any questions? Arrange for a phone appointment or set up an in person visit with Creativity Tones...
We look forward to helping you find a special bowl.

Email: creativitytones@gmail.com
Website: creativitytones.org
FaceBook: creativitytones